Increasing Animal Capacity Criteria for Foster Carers

Referring to the Animal Capacity Policy

Goals of the Capacity Policy

  1. Prioritize the welfare of animals and promote socialization with people.
  2. Uphold a high-quality standard of care.
  3. Reduce the risk of cross infection and spread of illnesses between animals.
  4. Prevent carer burnout by limiting the number of animals taken in.
  5. Facilitate the sharing of fostering duties across a larger number of carers.

Key Outcomes of the Policy

  1. Foster the development of well-socialized animals.
  2. Protect the reputation of Paws & Claws Adoptions by having foster homes that meet an accountable standard.
  3. Decrease the number of animals becoming unwell, resulting in reduced costs.
  4. Alleviate the load on carers, minimizing burnout.
  5. Encourage more individuals to become more involved in the care of animals and contribute to the rescue work of Paws
    and Claws Adoptions

Evaluation Criteria for Cats

1. Room Capacities

a) Standard bedrooms can accommodate one group as defined in the Animal Capacity Policy.
b) Spaces such as a laundry, bathroom, ensuite, or study (with a solid door) can each accommodate one group.
c) Larger areas such as kitchens, living areas, or lounge rooms can accommodate up to 4 groups if crated, or one if not
crated but can be separated from the rest of the house.
d) If renting, landlord approval must be provided to allow multiple animals on the premises.

2. Sheds and Outdoor Enclosures

Capacity evaluation does not include sheds and outdoor enclosures, whether attached to, or separate from, the main
house. This exclusion is due to the necessity of relocating animals indoors during extreme weather conditions.

3. Clear and Safe Environments

a) The area(s) being considered for assessment must be reasonably clear from clutter and safe from hazards, including
access to heights, loose hanging materials and toys and sharp objects. Chemicals, and cleaning products must be
eliminated or minimised depending on the risk.
b) Windows or doors leading to uncontained outdoor areas must be closed or secure to prevent animals from breaking
through and/or escaping.
d) The area(s) must be able to be cooled, heated, and ventilated as needed in response to fluctuating weather and other
environmental conditions.
e) The area(s) must be able to be easily and effectively cleaned and should allow for the setup of crate(s) if needed, with
adequate and separate space for litter trays, food, water, and room for the animals to play and move about freely
dependant on the animals age, health and safety of handling.
g) All areas housing foster groups must be able to be easily and effectively cleaned and disinfected, with the room being
rest, that is cleaned and disinfected between incoming foster groups.

4. Owned Cats and Incoming Foster Cats

a) Carers with owned cats and existing foster groups are required to have the ability to completely quarantine incoming
foster groups for a period of not less than 2 weeks.
b) 1-9 owned cats are considered one group and are included as taking one large enclosable room in the carer’s capacity
c) Carers with a capacity beyond two groups must not allow owned cats and foster groups to interact. This is to minimise
the higher risks of cross infection between groups.
d) It is recommended that owned cats are kept up to date with vaccination and flea/worm treatments.

Evaluation Criteria for Dogs

a) Review of the relevant Council By-Laws is required for carers fostering dogs with a total of more than 2 dogs on the
premises (including both owned and foster dogs). In most Council areas, when carers wish to foster and this would result
in more than 2 dogs being maintained on the premises, the Council will require an exemption or permit to do so. (Please
note: this may include an application fee for each and every extra dog on the premises and may require a Council
inspection to be approved). Pups born on the premises to an already pregnant bitch are generally not included as extra
animals until they reach 3 to 6 months of age depending on the Council for that area.
b) Carers who wish to foster and where fostering will result in more than 2 dogs occupying the premises must have land
space of more than 400m2 with and extra 150m2

for each extra dog or have adequate facilities to be able to keep the

animals mentally stimulated and physically exercised.
c) The area(s) being considered for assessment must be reasonably clear from clutter and safe from hazards, including
access to heights, loose hanging materials and toys, and sharp objects. Chemicals, and cleaning products must be
eliminated or minimised depending on the risk.
d) The area(s) must be able to be easily and effectively cleaned and contain ample space for the animals to be able to play,
rest and sleep with consideration given to placement of bedding, crates if needed, shelter, food and toilet areas.
e) Indoor area(s) must be able to be cooled, heated, and ventilated as needed in response to fluctuating weather and other
environmental conditions.
f) Adequately high (minimum 1.5m depending on animal age and health) dog proof fencing is required and gates should be
kept locked to prevent unintentional opening.
g) Unvaccinated dogs and pups are not to be removed from the premises until they are at a minimum of 2 weeks post first
vaccination unless needing veterinary attention.
h) If renting, landlord approval must be provided to keep multiple animals on the premises.
i) It is recommended that owned dogs are kept up to date with vaccination and flea/worm treatments.


a) The evaluation criteria applies to individuals seeking to exceed the standard two-group limit. Carers who exceed this limit
are prohibited from taking on additional animals until an evaluation has been conducted.
b) Evaluations are conducted by an approved Foster Carer Support Worker.
c) Evaluations are conducted by visual inspection of the premises, by noted verbal information provided by the carer and
are recorded on the evaluation checklist sheet to ensure that the criteria above are met.
d) Re-evaluation may occur every 12 months or if concerns or complaints are received and/or if the carers situation changes.

Ratified by Committee on Wednesday 17th April 2024